“I tend almost never to throw other films under the bus, but that is exactly an example of what we should not be doing in 3-D. Because it just cheapens the medium and reminds you of the bad 3-D horror films from the 70s and 80s, like Friday the 13th 3-D. When movies got to the bottom of the barrel of their creativity and at the last gasp of their financial lifespan, they did a 3-D version to get the last few drops of blood out of the turnip. And that’s not what’s happening now with 3-D. It is a renaissance—right now the biggest and the best films are being made in 3-D. Martin Scorsese is making a film in 3-D. Disney’s biggest film of the year—Tron: Legacy—is coming out in 3-D. So it’s a whole new ballgame.“
Cheapens the medium? Huh?
So Disney is blowing canyons of money on Tron. So Scorsese is gonna do a 3D film. What does that have to do with anything? Why can’t we have films like Piranha 3D too? I don’t like the implication that fun horror films aren’t “important” enough to join the 3D club. F that. Alice in Wonderland (which Cameron considers one of the good ones) will be mostly forgotten in ten years. I’ll still be talking about the hilarious under-water-lesbian-opera scene from Piranha 3D.
And you leave Friday the 13 Part 3 alone, sir.