Though he’s got a passion for the project, Terry Gilliam will detour into another form of psychosis before tackling The Man Who Killed Don Quixote. (Popular speculation pins Johnny Depp’s schedule as the reason for Quixote‘s delay.) /Film points to a French article that reports Gilliam will shoot Pat Rushin’s screenplay The Zero Theorem beginning on May 1. Billy Bob Thornton tops the cast.

/Film’s Brendon Connelly published a script review today, in which he calls it “a science-fiction drama that skidded on the turnpike and ended up ditched in a psychogenic fugue,” which comes hot on the heels of the assertion that Thornton plays “tormented, reclusive genius trying to find final answers to the many enigmas of existence.”

And that’s where I stop. I don’t want to know any more; I haven’t read the full script review, and won’t. Gilliam taking on a project that has echoes of Philip K Dick and Videodrome is perfect, and all I need to know to put my ass in the theater.

I will note that Connelly points out that the script bears a certain similitude to another Pat Rushin story, Call, which can be found here.