After the (fairly front-loaded) success of Wanted, it was obvious that Universal would want a sequel to the film. But where do you go from an ending where every single character – including all the name stars – except the hero is dead? Producer Mark Platt, who just signed a re-up at Universal for five more years* acknowledged that following up that ending is no easy feat: “The writers [Michael Brandt and Derek Haas] are at work already, and those creative discussions are taking place,” he says.
One idea that has been floating around behind the scenes is making Wanted 2 essentially The Godfather Part II – no, not a movie almost as great as The Dark Knight, but rather a film that juxtaposes the continuing adventures of Wesley with the story of his father. That would allow Morgan Freeman and Angelina Jolie to come back for round two, despite both taking bullets to the dome.
That’s just one idea being kicked around. The sequel could always go the James Bond route – introduce a new beautiful girl and all new adventures, leaving the Fraternity behind. Maybe they could try to adapt the Mark Millar comic of the same name in the sequel! I’ve always wanted to see a non-Kevin Smith shitman on the screen.
*a re-up that includes a new movie version of my hands-down favorite musical of all time, Jesus Christ Superstar. I am terrified by this idea in the age of American Idol.