It’s here, and pretty much exactly what was described out of Comic Con. I love the stillness of the destruction, the foreboding tone and the grand introduction of the familiar silhouette. A good first look at Gareth Edwards film, which is set for May 16th, 2014.
EDIT: MAY BE DOWN – there’s something fishy about that original upload which, as I wrote below, seemed a little too legit to not have been a purposeful studio effort. The video had also been uploaded (though perhaps not listed or visible) for three weeks. WB appears to be playing wack-a-mole with YouTube uploads, so we’ll see how long some of these last…
This is uploaded cleanly in HD on a site with a clever title (“Fatman Trailer”) by an account called “Akira Watanabe,” the special effects director on dozens of Tojo films, including the original Godzilla. I assume this will also show up in front of Gravity screenings this weekend (which you should be at!), though it may just be an online-only bone thrown to fans, since this is actually a proof of concept from before production, rather than a true-blue trailer. EDIT: Or it is none of those things.
Great stuff. Very nearly as effective as…